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Vanguard FTSE Developed World ETF: A Comprehensive Analysis

Historical Performance and Dividend Yields

The Vanguard FTSE Developed World ETF has consistently delivered strong historical performance, tracking the returns of developed world markets. Its dividend yield has also been attractive, providing investors with a steady stream of income.

Key Investment Highlights

* Diversified exposure to developed world markets * Low expense ratio * High historical returns * Attractive dividend yield

In-Depth Analysis

The ETF tracks the FTSE Developed World Index, which includes companies from over 20 developed countries. The index is weighted by market capitalization, with the largest companies having the greatest impact on the ETF's performance. The ETF's low expense ratio makes it an attractive option for investors seeking a cost-effective way to access developed world markets. Its long track record and proven performance make it a reliable choice for both short-term and long-term investors.
